13th Rural Camp Day 5 Report
20th September, 2023
On the 5th Day of 13th Rural Camp by Dept. of Social Work, HATIM Church Service was attended in which Mr. Lallianzela offered greetings and reports in the congregation and presented the college magazine and wallclock as a token of appreciation. Also group song (Nitin Lalpa) was performed by the female students and Ms. Lalmuanawmi offered a special number (Huana Isua Rum). Sunday School was also attended by all members.
Later in the afternoon inter-denominational fellowship was organised in which Mr. Lallianzela delivered short speech (Rahchhuah Nun), a special number (I Hmangaih Ropui Chuan) by Ms. Lalmuanawmi and Bible Quiz by Deborah Sairinpuii Fanai and Lalmuanawmi. HATIM Worship team led the worship and worship dance.
In the evening service, Stephanie Lalrinhlui presented a special number (Rimawi Ropui Ber) at BCM, Dengsur. Meanwhile, at UPC(NEI), Dengsur Church Miss Vanlalhmangaihi delivered greeting and offered Dokimos and wallclock as a token of appreciation and remembrance.
It was a fruitful day where the community longed the programme and presence of the team wholeheartedly.

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